
Government Rebate

Both the State and Federal Government provide 2 forms of assistance when installing a solar system. 

A rebate when you purchase the system, which comes off the price of the system. 

The purchase of the power you don’t use during the day.

Getting Solar

Assistance under the Solar Credit Scheme and entitlement to Small Technology Certificates (STC’s) is available to all businesses and residential properties except those that received assistance under the previous $8000 Solar Homes and Communities Plan (SHCP). 

Generally not. However, if your property is heritage listed, you will need to attain planning approval. In addition, if you live in a complex governed by a strata agreement, you will need approval from the body corporate.

Solar Power systems can be installed on roofs facing anywhere from due east to due west. North is best for absolute production. However, well-designed system will match your solar production to your home’s electricity consumption.

Systems can either be installed on a flat roof, or a qualified builder can install tilting frames at an extra expense. We recommend a slight pitch to allow for water runoff and self-cleaning.

The size of the system you will install depends on several factors. These include: 

  • How many panels will fit on your roof? 
  • Your budget. 
  • Your needs, a smaller system may be enough to offset your whole bill. 
  • Your plans, if you intend on starting a family and staying in the house long term, go bigger. 

From quote acceptance, it takes 2-3 weeks for the solar installation to be complete. Then, we will contact your electricity network provider and obtain authorisation to have the system installed. Once approval has been granted, we will arrange an installation date with you. Solar Switch can install residential solar systems in one day.  

How it Works?

Yes (unless you have an off-grid battery system)The solar system generates electricity during peak daylight hours. Any electricity produced during this time that is not consumed will be sold back to the grid. When your solar system is not working during the night, you will draw electricity from the grid. 

Your system will still produce electricity during cloudy days; however, production will be less than sunny days. 

Yes. Solar Switch may add additional panels to existing systems where a larger inverter has been installed. Where a larger system is required, that is not supported by the existing inverter. Solar Switch can install an additional inverter next to the existing one. 

The amount of energy produced by the solar system depends on the following factors: 

  • Panel OrientationA system facing due east or due west will produce around 15% less than one facing due north. Infinite Energy does not install systems on roofs facing south of east or west. 
  • Roof PitchA 30-degree pitch is optimal; however, you will only lose around 1% production for every 5-degree deviation from this. 
  • Weather – How many clear or cloudy days are experienced in your area. Australian cities are some of the best cities on earth for solar. 
  • System Capacity – The larger the system, the more energy will be produced. 
  • Shading – Solar systems hate shade. Small amounts of shade from 9 am – 3 pm can have a dramatic effect on production. Shading outside of these hours in certain circumstances is acceptable; however, we should complete a shade analysis if you have any doubts. 

You will continue to receive a bill/statement from your energy retailer. However, if the value of the electricity you have generated and sold back to the grid during the billing period exceeds the value of the electricity drawn from the grid (at around 20c/unit), you will receive a credit balance on your statement. Synergy and Horizon periodically send cheques out for the value of credits. 

The Equipment

Yes, our expert installers are qualified licensed electricians accredited by the Clean Energy Council of Australia for the design and installation of your system.

There is minimal system maintenance required over the life of the system. You may be required to hose down the panels from time to time to remove dirt. The panels will self-clean when it rains. Businesses have emerged which will complete a panel clean for a small fee. 

Yes. Your insurer can cover the system under home and contents insurance. Contact your insurer for further details.

Most likely not. If you have an old spinning disc meter, you will require a new bi-directional meter. Ask one of our sales consultants for the procedures involved and rates to change your meter in your state.